Dear Friends,
I don't know how many or you are actually still reading this blog, because I seem to have been neglecting my duties somewhat in the last few months. Bear with me, though; I'm still alive. And I am still writing.
Life, however, has a slightly annoying tendency to get in the way and prevent one from getting one's thoughts onto paper just when things are starting to get interesting. In the past few months, life has certainly been interesting for me. I hope it has been interesting for you, too.
Sometimes, one seems to go through a period in life of challenges, growth, and changes, and that is exactly what I have been going through for the last few months. I like to think that out of it all, I have become a more mature person, both in my relationship with God and in general, so I hope that this will be reflected in my writings to come.
Testimonies are powerful. Last Friday I heard testimonies from two African girls, and they struck a chord with me on many different levels. God has been doing things in my life recently, and in the next few posts I am excited to share some of that with you along with my usual thinkings, so I hope you will be encouraged by it. Everybody has a story, and everybody's story can affect others through shared experience, common struggles and collective overcoming. So please - as I share, feel free to share your stories of what God has been doing in your life too, I love to hear about it.
This is the start of 'a drop in the ocean - part 2'. Be prepared. Be excited... :D
Marvelous Grace in Time and Space
Oh my! It's 2/22 and the promises are upon you!!
You will look and see your enemies *no more! *
They are as scared as a hunted rabbit.
They are as nervous...
10 hours ago