Dusk wood

Wednesday 6 July 2011

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I enter into the soft night air.  A lazy summer scent of plants and warm earth.  The trees, standing majestic, and the grass illuminated with a sunset iridescence.  Over the back wall, peach-pink clouds tinged with pastel yellow, brushed carelessly across the sky in broad sweeps.

Into the wood, treading softly.  The peaceful silence, as civilisation sleeps, seeps through my being.  I pause awhile in stillness, just being, taking it in.

A canopy of leaves, an impressionist canvas of dusky greens set against a backdrop of peach-tinged blue, whispers and sighs in the evening breeze.  The dark silhouettes of beech and rowan, receding into the deepness of the wood.  A solitary spider, suspended, motionless, on a delicate pattern of invisible threads between two twigs, hanging above.

The stream murmurs a gentle lullaby as it tumbles on, never-ending.

Two pipistrelles, with acrobatic precision, flit to and fro, in a daring game of hold-on-and-swerve-at-the-last-minute.

I could stay here forever.

I turn and leave the wood.  Back into the noises and glare of civilisation, the harsh orange light drowning out the peace...

I actually just went out to feed the horse and lock the hens up, but there you go...

5 drops in the ocean:

Anonymous said...

You painted a picture in my mind with your words (:

RJ said...

That was the idea ;)

Words, however, are still an imperfect medium to convey such a beautiful evening...

I bet you could do a nice painting of the scene... ;P

There's another thought. Wouldn't that make quite a nice beginning to a novel/short story? Hmmm... :)

NunneryFarm said...

Gorgeous - I've just sat down after putting a screaming child to bed and decided to read my blog updates and this being the first has just sent all that craziness away and taken me to a lovely place in my mind. Thanks!!

Ms. Joy said...

WOW nice blog! I already followed you, thank you for your nice candid writings... please visit my blog too http://glossy-joy.blogspot.com, I hope to include you in my links so I could frequently check it out if you would permit.

RJ said...

Hi Ms Joy, thanks for following. Feel free to add me to your links :)

Been away on a tall ship for a couple of weeks, hence the absence of writing, but I hope to have something up soon (where do I begin?)! Thanks for all the comments folks...

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